paying off your mortgage faster
Paying Off Your Mortgage Faster

Paying Off Your Mortgage Faster

  • Paying off your mortgage faster is a compelling financial goal that can lead to significant long-term savings and allow you to own your home outright. At Sunlite Mortgage, we will help you to take practical steps and strategies to accelerate your mortgage payoff. By following these tips, you can take control of your financial future and achieve the dream of being mortgage-free sooner than expected.

Paying Off Your Mortgage Faster:

  1. Make Extra Principal Payments: One of the most effective ways to pay off your mortgage faster is by making extra principal payments whenever possible. Even modest additional monthly payments can add up over time, reducing the overall interest you pay and shortening the life of your mortgage.
  2. Bi-Weekly Payments: Consider switching to bi-weekly mortgage payments. By making half of your monthly payment every two weeks, you’ll make 26 half-payments yearly, equal to 13 full payments. This approach can shave years off your mortgage term, saving you time and money.
  3. Refinance to a Shorter Term: If your financial situation allows, consider refinancing your mortgage to a shorter term. For example, moving from a 25-year to a 20-year mortgage can lead to a lower interest rate and significant interest savings over time. While the monthly payments may be higher, you’ll be mortgage-free in half the time.
  4. Utilize Windfalls and Bonuses: Put unexpected windfalls, such as tax refunds, work bonuses, or inheritances, towards your mortgage principal. These lump-sum payments can substantially reduce your mortgage balance and accelerate your payoff.
  5. Create a Budget and Reduce Unnecessary Expenses: Establish a budget and identify areas to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Allocating more funds to your monthly mortgage payments will help you repay your mortgage faster.
  6. Consider Making Lump-Sum Payments: If you come into a significant sum of money, such as an inheritance or a large commission, consider making a lump-sum payment towards your mortgage. Applying extra funds directly to your principal will shorten your payoff timeline.
  7. Refinance to Lower Interest Rates: If interest rates have dropped significantly since you initially obtained your mortgage, consider refinancing to secure a lower rate. This can lead to substantial interest savings and shorten your mortgage term.
  8. Avoid Incurring New Debts: Minimize taking on new debts while you focus on paying off your mortgage. Avoid accumulating high-interest debts, which could divert resources from your mortgage payoff plan.

Benefits of Paying Off Your Mortgage Faster:

  1. Interest Savings: Paying off your mortgage faster leads to significant interest savings over the life of the loan. This can translate into thousands of dollars saved in interest payments.
  2. Financial Security: Being mortgage-free provides greater financial security and reduces your monthly financial obligations, allowing you to allocate funds to other goals and investments.
  3. Home Equity Growth: As you pay your mortgage, your home equity increases. Building equity is essential for long-term financial stability and provides valuable assets for future borrowing or investment opportunities.

Paying off your mortgage faster is achievable with determination and strategic financial planning. With these strategies, you can take control of your mortgage payoff and accelerate your path to financial freedom. From making extra principal payments to considering refinancing options, each step will bring you closer to being mortgage-free. Remember to evaluate your financial situation, set realistic goals, and stay committed to your plan. Achieving mortgage freedom will give you peace of mind and open up new opportunities for your financial future.

Contact your Sunlite Mortgage mortgage agent for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does it makes sense to refinance ?

Whether you are looking to lower your current monthly payment, pay off your home faster, or access the equity you have built up in your home; it is important to consider a few factors before refinancing your mortgage loan. Are rates lower now than when you purchased your home or last refinanced? Do you have enough equity built up in your home now to open up new options?

How long do you plan on staying in your current home? Would breaking the mortgage and pay the penalty to get a lower mortgage rate save me from paying more in interest? Speaking with a Sunlite Mortgage Professional today can help you understand your best options.

What are the advantages of paying off my mortgage faster?

You’ll own your home free-and-clear sooner, and the more quickly you pay off your loan the less interest you owe in the process. If you would like to retire mortgage-free or own your home outright by the time your kids are off to university, then a shorter term loan can help you reach these goals.

Also bear this in mind, if you if your mortgage interest rate is 3.49% and you prepay your mortgage on your principal residence by $10,000.00, your return on that prepayment is 3.49% tax free since there are no taxes on the growth of your principal residence. You can always access it through a Home Equity Line of Credit without a penalty.

What are the disadvantages?

By shortening your term, more often than not your monthly payment will be increasing. Additionally, prepayment penalties owed to your current loan need to be weighed when considering refinancing your mortgage loan.